Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve been aware of the doomsday prophecy that’ll be set to begin in roughly 24 hours. According to Harold Camping (who says he’s done a Da Vinci-style breakdown of numeric codes throughout the Bible), it’s a certainty: Those who are “the elect” will be raptured up to Heaven, leaving the rest of humanity to suffer through five months of torment before the real end of the world, slated for October.

So, there’s that. Sounds like a real sweet weekend.

What’s that, you say? Are you pulling out a Biblical reference to refute Mr. Camping’s hypothesis? Matthew 24:36, you say? Oh, apparently they’ve got that covered. There’s a lot of case-making from the Camping camp (heh) that doomsday prophecies weren’t meant to be known by those guys at that time, but we can know now. But, see, I maintain a weak little thought of my own, and it goes a little something like this:

As Christians, we’re called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. That’s our job while we’re here – to love one another, encourage one another, and demonstrate what Christ has done in our lives in the hopes that all could see what Christ can do in their own lives. Paul wrote in Romans 6 that we are to be slaves to righteousness – we are to serve God. Not to second-guess Him, not to try and figure out His plan. It’s a pretty sweet gig, honestly. We are to be faithful, to be obedient, and yes, to be ready for His return.

Could that return be on May 21, 2011? I’m not ruling it out. But I’m also not ruling out that it could happen on any other day – a day that no fallible human could have predicted.

[The following opinion is solely of Jacquie and not intended to be a reflection of what God’s intentions may or may not be:]

I can’t help but wonder, though, if God won’t allow it to happen on May 21. Why? Fulfilling this prediction would glorify Harold Camping for guessing the right numbers and NOT glorifying God, who is infinitely more deserving of any and all glory.

[End scandalous opinion.]

God is capable of anything and everything, regardless of whether it’s predicted or not. I’ll continue to trust Him and depend on Him. Whatever days God gives us are nothing short of a miraculous blessing, and whatever comes, we should take each moment as a wonderful gift – an opportunity to give thanks, be obedient to God, and love one another.

Perhaps that’s what can come out of all of this.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. – Proverbs 3:5